
My love for robotics and doing projects lead me to a hobby version of the Spot Mini (NOVA SM3), originally by Boston Dynamics. The design and setup was usable however I was able to provide my expertise in Fusion360 to further improve the design, documentation and make the project even more user-friendly for makers. I worked closely with the designer, who lived internationally, to progress this project to a point where it won awards in the maker community and had a rapid acceleration of followers. The project can be seen here.

In this project I focused on redesigning the parts, improving the structure, formulating interactive and easy to follow guides for the project, as seen below, and provided engineer inspired consulting.

The above interactive guides assists makers when assembling the model and understanding the project. The below videos are a snap shot of one of the later versions of NOVA SM3.


Front rendered view of a older version of NOVA SM3.

Back rendered view of a older version of NOVA SM3.

The results of the initial rework of the model.

A later version of the interior electronics of SM3.

An initial concept for the remote to drive NOVA.

One of the later versions of the final remote design.